About person
Science Social ProfilersResearcherIDe-5120-2019, SCIENCE INDEX9399-2367
First name: Andrey
Surname: Vasilyev
Age: 32
High education: Saint Petersburg State University, faculty of history, department of
ancient Greek and Roman history, graduated in 2010, finished postgraduate
course in 2013 and defended PhD thesis on the topic “Magistrate’s power in Rome
in Republican period: traditions and innovations” in 2014 in Saint Petersburg
Institute of history of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Languages spoken: Russian, English, Italian (have an international certificate CILS of
C1 level).
Academic probation: in 2008/2009 academic year studied in University “La Sapienza” (Rome) as
an irregular student under the supervision of professor Elio Lo Casio where
attended the following courses: Roman history, Greek history, Latin Epigraphy,
Greek Epigraphy, Archaeology and passed the exam of Roman history (I and II
Scientific activities: regularly participate in the all-Russian classical studies conferences
“Zhebelevskie Chtenia” (Saint Petersburg) and “Sergeevskie Chtenia” (Moscow).
Occupation: worked as a teacher of history in Gymnasium Classicum Petropolitanum
in 2014-2018, from September 2018 to June 2019 worked as docent (lecturer) in the department
of ancient Greek and Roman history, Institute of history, Saint Petersburg State
University. From September 2019 work in the Centre of Social and Humanitarian Knowledges, faculty of technological management and innovations, ITMO University
Main published works connected with the topic of the
Stsipion Afrikanskii kak politicheskii
i voennyi lider novogo tipa [Scipio Africanus as a political and military
leader of the new type] // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta. 2014.
Ser. 2. Iss. 2. P.109-116 (RSI).
2. Deformacii v sisteme rimskih magistratur v epohu Vtoroi Punicheskoi voiny
(218-201 do n. e.) [Deformations in the system of Roman magistracies during the
period of the Second Punic War (218-201 B.C.)] // Problemy istorii, filologii i
kultyri. № 2. Magnitogorsk, 2014. P. 10-21 (RSI).
O nekotoryh tendenciyah v
rasvitii rimskih magistratur v epohu “zolotogo veka” Rimskoi respubliki
(pervaya polovina II veka do n. e.) [On some tendencies of the Roman magistracies
development in the epoch of the Roman republic’s “golden age” (first half of
the IInd century B.C.)]// Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta.
2014. Ser. 2. Iss. 3. P. 167-174 (RSI).
Vasilyev A. Russian Institute
of Roman Law in Berlin in Light of I.A. Pokrovskij's Scholarly Training//
HYPERBOREUS: Classicheskaya filologia i istoriya. Vol. 21. Fasc. 2. 2015. C.
241-248 (Scopus).
5. Institut pomoschnikov tsarya i ego znachenie dlya genezisa magistratskoi
vlasti v Rime [The institute of the king’s assistants and its significance for
the genesis of the magistrate power in Rome] // Mnemon. Issledovaniya i publikatsii
po istorii antichnogo mira. Iss. 11. Sain Peterburg, 2012. P. 171-180 (RSI).
6. Sudebnye protsessy nad brat’yami Stsipionami v 80-e gody do n. e. [The
trials of the Scipios brothers in 180s BC]// Politicheskya intriga I sudebnyi protsess
v antichnom mire/ Pod red. Prof. E. D. Frolova. Saint-Petersburg, 2015. P. 227-238.
K voprosu ob evolutsii institute
magistratskoi vlasti v Rime v 342-227 do n. e. [On the issue of the
magistrate’s power institute evolution in Rme in 342-227 BC]// Drevnee pravo. Ius Antiquum. Iss. 34. № 2. 2016. P. 54-73.
First steps of the Roman
diplomacy in the Eastern Mediterranean: development of the common political
strategy// Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica. 24 (2). 2018. P. 221-239 (Scopus).